Rev. John Kofi Takyi,
Parochial Vicar
Rev. John P. Cush,
Weekend Associate
Paul Loman,
Director of Music
Angela Minchilli,
Nancy Piotrowski,
Parish Manager
St. Ann's defines an “active/participating parishioner” as one who is registered and worshipping at this parish on a regular (weekly) basis and who commits to a stewardship of time, talent and financial resources to help support the parish and the Archdiocese of New York. Every family member and single adult* must be properly registered in the parish, attending Sunday Mass, receiving and regularly using the parish weekly donation envelopes (or using online giving). Only once someone has been registered and active for a minimum of six months can the parish issue documents attesting to parish membership and Catholic practice, such as a letter to be a Godparent or Sponsor.
* NOTE: children of member families must register once they reach age 21.
To register at our parish please click here or phone the Rectory weekdays:
and please make sure to include your email address and phone number!
You can register for Online Giving by clicking here. You can register a checking account, debit card or credit card, and choose the frequency (such as one time donation, weekly, monthly, etc.). You must do this personally; we cannot register you.
If you prefer to receive collection envelopes in the mail, please call the Rectory at 914-965-1555 to register. Packets include two months of envelopes, for the months of Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-Jun, Jul-Aug, Sep-Oct and Nov-Dec. They are generally mailed about two weeks before the start of the cycle and will always include the first envelope of the following cycle just in case the mail is slow.
Once you have registered, please go to the box below and register for FlockNotes. This allows Cardinal Dolan or Father Norton to reach the entire Parish in an emergency situation, or on very limited occasions about time-sensitive issues. Your email or phone is absolutely not shared with anyone else.
The Archdiocese of New York has provided a wonderful way for the Cardinal to reach all parishioners with important news as well as for each pastor to contact his flock quickly. It is by use of Flocknotes. Thanks to this program, whenever we need to get information to you immediately, we can easily send an email and/or a text message to you so that you get the information right away. WE WILL NEVER GIVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER OR EMAIL ADDRESS TO ANYONE ELSE! This is solely for in-parish and intra-archdiocesenal use. Signing up is very easy, just text STANNYONKERS to 84576 or visit It is simple and free. Please sign up today!
Contribute to the 2021 Cardinal's Appeal and help St. Ann's make its goal. Click here:
My dear people of St. Ann’s Parish,
Since the merger of St. Ann’s Parish with St. John, the Baptist, Most Holy Trinity Parish has been officially announced (although we will not be formally a merged parish until July 1), thank you for all your support. I know this is not easy, and I have already been asked numerous questions. Some of your questions and concerns must be answered with, “I am not sure!” or “I don’t know!” At least for now, because I have never been involved in merging parishes. However, I assure you that we will make this process seamless. I invite you to share your questions and concerns with me because they help me form the pathway to merge two parishes into one. I appreciate you speaking with me because this is important, and I wish to get it done right or as right as I can for everyone in the newly formed parish.
As I asked last weekend, please join me praying for a successful and peaceful merger process. We will be a happy and vibrant parish with two strong church sites if we trust in God now and in the future.
Until next week, Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Fr. Stephen P. Norton
St. Ann, pray for us.
June 23, 2023